Iraqi Children Foundation Announces 2024 Global “IN THEIR SHOES” 5K

The Iraqi Children Foundation (ICF) have announced that the 2024 Global “In Their Shoes” 5K run/walk to benefit Iraqi orphans and vulnerable children will be held on Saturday, September 28, 2024, at Rock Creek Park in the US capital, Washington, DC. 

Those unable to join in person in Washington, DC, can join the “virtual” 5K instead, and run/walk anywhere around the world. Awards will be given to the largest 5K teams as well as the largest fundraisers for Iraqi children. 

Participants can run, walk, or simply cheer others on and stay for the 5K after-party with snacks, music, and family friendly activities. “This year, we are also excited to share something new,” ICF Executive Director Elizabeth McRae said. 

“For every runner or walker who signs up for the 5K, ICF will give a brand-new pair of shoes to a needy Iraqi child. We love the play on words, and are pleased to be able to give these gifts to child laborers, disadvantaged children, and kids living with disabilities.” 

“The 5K is an opportunity for Americans and others around the world to be a voice for the voiceless,” McRae explained. “It is a great way to show broad public support for the most vulnerable children in post-conflict Iraq, including orphans, street kids, child laborers, and child victims of criminals and traffickers."

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